
Connecting Green and Urban Space

For a short time every year, the urban oasis of Zempukuji park,
where the arch of the sky above is reflected on the lake surface,
and where the trees embrace the water’s edge, is visited by artworks.
These 'trolls' of the park appear unexpectedly to surprise the visitors.
Like the numerous plant and animal inhabitants,
the artworks take many and varied forms.

In recent years, the circumstances surrounding contemporary art are changing,
yet it is rare to find an exhibition taking place in a public park
that adheres so closely to everyday life.
It is our hope that this exhibition will find a small place in the visitors' memories,
gradually taking shape through the years like layers of earth
to embed itself in the community.

With the aim of making contemporary art more accessible,
the 'Trolls in the Park Open-Air Art Exhibition' first began in Zempukuji park in 2002,
and has now reached its seventh year.
Preparations for the near one-month exhibition begin one year before.
While placing importance on the process up to the opening
and the relations between artists, supporters and local residents,
the exhibition is shaped from ideas that are consistent
in their utilization of the park's unique character.
What transformations will the park undergo in late autumn this year?
Let's wait and see!

Organized by the Trolls Organization Committee
後援: 東京都、杉並区、杉並区教育委員会、杉並区文化協会
協力: 東京農業大学造園科学科、桃井第四小学校、都立善福寺公園、西荻まちメディア、新町商栄会、ラジオぱちぱち、Winbledon College of Art, Center Saint Martins College of Art and Design, Bristol University, Danielle Arnaud Gallery
協賛: 大和日英基金、大英笹川財団、British Council,Arts Council of England,Arts & Humanities Research Council,遊工房アートスペース

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