アトリエそら+(プリュス)Atelier SORA Plus
プロジェクト project
本と本棚を巡る冒険 第8巻
Adventure Through Books and Bookshelves Volume8
Books needs only to exist. Whether read or unread, gifted or embraced, discarded or unearthed, left open and inverted, or bookmarked, it suffices. Stephen King said, “Books are uniquely portable magic.” Their mere presence can conjure an adventure. We anticipate another year of exploring the worlds with books and the shelves.
■日時 11/4(月・祝)、17(日)時間未定
■場所 善福寺公園上池 「トロールの森2024」インフォメーション前
A creative partnership focused on enriching our relationship with books through diverse activities. ‘Atelier SORA’ contributes with workshops and visual elements, while ‘PLUS’ specializes in dramatic readings and discussions.
member: Yoshiko Hayauchi / Machiko Muramatsu / Kazumi Tominaga