関連企画 あなたの公-差-転 kosaten
ワークショップ+パフォーマンス workshop+performance
「翼のあるメッセンジャー」Winged Messenge
We have all come from somewhere. We are all heading towards somewhere.
Riding on the wind, in a travelling from here to there – Birds can move seemingly with upmost freedom.
But what of us humans?
While these are those of us who can move freely, there are also those who are forced to move due to war, poverty, and other perils.
In this project migrants and refugees living in Japan will share their stories and together we think of the circumstances by which people cross borders, move to distant places, and the lives led once settled in a new home. We will create costumes of birds and winged creatures based on images from these narratives, and then later perform with them in a performance of music and dance.
contact@kosaten.org、もしくは 電話08072787815(水曜・日曜12時~18時)
■日時:11月10日 (日)13:30-15:00(最初の30分はパフォーマンスで使う衣装や道具をつくるワークショップ)
■日時:11月13日(水)、17日(日)、20日(水)、24(日)、27日(水) 12:00-18:00
東京都杉並区善福寺3-2-14善福寺ゴールデンハイツ1F (kumonの隣)
■プロフィール Profile
kosaten あなたの公-差-転
An intersectional community space based in Zempukuji
A place people moving in all variety of directions may cross together, even if just for a moment.
We are all seeing the world differently, thinking differently, living differently, we all have differences in gender, sexuality, nationality, background, disability, spirituality and principles. Kosaten is a place to meet those of diverse situations and identities, which may in turn lead to new awarenesses amongst us all.