ビッグ☆ザッパーズ Big☆Zappers
演劇&ダンス/Theatre and Dance
Blending theater and dance, we will create a world that is fun, humorous, slightly mysterious, and somewhat bittersweet.
Marble….Amazed by small things, swept away when the wind blows, swaying while lost, not even knowing the destination. We cannot mix, but we are together.
■日時:11月9日(土) 13:00-14:00/17:00-18:00
11月10日(日) 13:00-14:00
開場 各20分前
■料金:一般1500円、小中学生1000円、未就学 無料
■申込:090-8961-7644 komeko226@gmail.com

■プロフィール Profile
Big ☆ Zappers is a trio of theater and dance.
Yumeko Matsumoto = a member of the Tokyo Kandenchi Theater. Hobbies, reading.
Shiori Ezumi = choreographer, dancer. I studied under Naomi Uehara. A member of the creative dance group in Sai no Kuni
Hinako Matsumoto = dancer. A member of the creative dance group in Sai no Kuni.