土井 健史
Takefumi Doi
インスタレーション/ Installation
The Wind Meeting Place
Materials: Phosphorescent plastic chain
The wind you feel now is something special just for you. What kind of wind blows at this place, in this season, at this time? What does it smell like? What does it cause to sway? This is a place where the wind gathers. This is a place where the wind passes through. This is a place where people gather. This is a place where people pass through, carrying various thoughts.
■プロフィール Profile

1974年滋賀県生れ。現在、大成建設株式会社建築設計3部室長。2021年アート活動開始。2022年瀬戸内国際芸術祭、六甲ミーツ・アート、中央線芸術祭。2023年中央線芸術祭、トロールの森、ATAMI ART GRANT2023。日常の風景に何を付加することで、場所やモノの背景や理由を顕在化する作品を制作。
Born in Shiga Prefecture in 1974, the artist currently serves as the Chief of the Architecture Design Department Ⅲ at TAISEI Corporation. He began his artistic endeavors in 2021 and has participated in events such as the SETOUCHI Triennale 2022, and ROKKO Meets Art 2022, Chuo Line Art Festival 2023, Trolls in the Park 2023 and ATAM ART GRANT 2023.
He creates works that reveal the background and reasons behind places and things by adding something to the everyday scenery.
Instagram: @doitakefumi