Team Mixⁿ 姚雄翊
チームミックスインフィニティ ヤオ シオーンイー( HSIUNG I YAO)
インスタレーション / Installation art
《風のゆくえ》 Where the Wind Goes
素材:布、ロープ、金属 / Materials: Fabric, rope, metal
This proposal is a machine and space to measure wind in the forest of Zempukuji Park.
In response to the wind blowing, the surface of the fabric in the air is shaken, and an absolutely rational cube fluctuates. It captures the whereabouts of the wind and reflects the relationship between people and nature.
■プロフィール profile
1994年台湾桃園生まれ。台湾東海大学建築修士首席卒業、同大学AIoT Lab建築研究所助手、2020年設計サークル《Team Mixⁿ》結成。
2022年来日、現在は手塚建築研究所に所属。仕事以外に、サークル《Team Mixⁿ》の名で建築、芸術、家具など幅広く活動します。
代表作に「SEED House」「デジタル地方游牧の包」「影にかかった際に」など受賞多数。
Born in Taoyuan, Taiwan in 1994. Tunghai University Master of Architecture and served as a Research Assistant at AIoT Lab. Co-Founder of Association《Team Mixⁿ》in 2020.
Came to Japan in 2022 and is currently affiliated with Tezuka Architects. In addition to work, he is also active in a wide range of fields, including architecture, art, and furniture.
Representative works include “SEED House”, “Pao: Dwellings for the Digital Nomad Projects” and “When I meet you at shadow”.
Instagram: @yuuichi_arch