Team Promenade Concert Around the Pond
A Pondside Walk Concert 2024: Beyond the Twilight vol.3
秋の夕暮れを意味する「黄昏/たそがれ」は「彼(か)は誰(たれ)」から来たもので、人の見分けもつかなくなる薄暗い時間帯のこと。その推移のなかで訪れるいくつかの地点で、風はどのような緑の匂い、土の匂い、水の匂いを運んでくるのでしょうか? 遊歩音楽会を通じて、この土地の歴史と物語りを一緒に旅しましょう!
Tasogare (“twilight” in Japanese) meaning “autumn dusk,” comes from the phrase “he is who/who is he” and refers to the dim time of day when it becomes difficult to distinguish or identify persons. In this transition, what scents of greenery, earth and water will the wind bring to you at the various sites we visit? Let’s journey together to the real world of this land, and the land’s history and stories that our concert evokes!
井草八幡宮→都立善福寺公園 下池
定 員:10名程度(先着順)
申 込:下記HPにて申込み
■プロフィール Profile
Started in 2010 by Keiko Torigoe, the navigator, and Kosuke Tsuji, the wandering musician through time and space. While increasing the number of fellow musicians, they have developed and accumulated songs and other performances that discover and transmit local environmental and cultural resources. Several versions of the event have been created.